Sports & Activities Club at Lake of the Pines

It’s not just the activities, it’s the people!

* *  LATEST SAC News  * *

Sports and Activities Club by Dee Demorest and Gwen Tillisch / Steve Kompolt

JULY.  Happy Birthday, America! Our Pinesmen are set to give us another fabulous Fireworks show on the fourth. Buy your raffle tickets now!

Summer is here. Bocce balls are rolling. Fish are jumpin’ for our Anglers. There are fun times ahead.

A huge “Thank you” to the dozens of volunteers who have made, and are making, our lives here in LOP so special.

For up-to-date meetings times and venues for the groups below, go to

Aerobics and Boot Camp

We know that exercise can improve your health, trim your waistline, and even add years to your life; however, that is not what motivates people to stay active. People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it makes them feel good. They have more energy throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives. It is also a powerful medicine for many mental health challenges. Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, and ADHD. It also relieves stress, improves memory, and boosts your overall mood. Research indicates that modest amounts of exercise can make a real difference. No matter your age or fitness level, you can learn to use exercise as a powerful tool to deal with mental health problems, improve your energy and outlook and get more out of life.

Our Boot Camp and Fitness classes are for all levels. Everyone goes at their own pace. Boot Camp is on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7:00 a.m. in the Recreation Room near the Front Gate. Our group fitness Aerobics is Monday and Friday in the Clubhouse, and Wednesday in the Recreation Room or back patio of the Clubhouse if weather permits at 8:15 a.m. Updates are posted on Facebook or you can email Stephanie Hare at [email protected].


Hello JULY. The Board hopes everyone is really enjoying our remodeled courts! This has been a labor of love and commitment since 2019 when Chuck Potter and Christy Swider began the efforts to research and enable this project.

The board extends its sincere gratitude and thanks to past and present Bocce Board members, the 2021 LOP board of directors who approved this project, Sean Bothelio (General Manager), Rick Fowler (Maintenance & Operations Lead), Project on site volunteer – Don Bates, and faithful advocate Christy Swider.

Despite many delays, including 52 inches of rain this season, the project was completed and hopes to serve this community for many years to come.

On Sunday, June 11, a Ribbon Cutting ceremony was held and league play commenced at 4:00 p.m. on that day.

Cocktails and Coloring

Cocktails and Coloring is excited to gather together to Color, sip a Cocktail, but most of all to enjoy the wonderful friendships we have made over the years. We are always ready to welcome new ladies and look forward to meeting you.

So, whether you prefer Cocktailing, Coloring, or both, we hope you will join us! We meet the second Tuesday of every month from 6:30 p.m-8:30 p.m.

Please feel free to contact Peggy Fenstermacher for additional information at (925) 980-1220 or [email protected]. Hope you will come visit us!


During Bocce season, Cribbage will be meeting every Monday from 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. (new meeting time) in the Sports Lounge Meeting Room. Bring a cribbage board and cards. If you would like to join in the fun, call Ron Trimble at (530) 269-1917.

Fishing Group

The Fishing Group is always up to something! You can check out our social media posts for the latest news and updates or visit our Facebook page at SAC-LOP Fishing Group. If you have any questions or would like to join the Fishing Group, contact Director Rusty Stadtman at (916) 502-1558 or Assistant Director Richard Mattison at (831) 682-8355.

Game Days

Game Days are every Wednesday in the Sports Lounge from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Come and join us for lunch at noon before we play our games. Enjoy an afternoon of socializing with your neighbors. Challenge your brain skills with learning new games and refresh your memory of old games.

For more information, contact Russ Lewis at [email protected].

Improv Class

Do you want to escape from reality and have some fun for an hour or two? Then come to the Improv Class. No acting experience needed, just a desire to have fun. For more information contact Lynn Pennington at (530) 268-7234.

Lake of the Liners Line Dance

Line dance lessons are each Monday, except on holidays. All classes are $1 donation. Beginners class meets at 4:00 p.m. and Improvers meet at 5:15 p.m. Both classes are in the Clubhouse and/or outside on the Clubhouse deck. The Intermediate class is at 3:30 in the Yacht Lounge.

Join our Facebook group Lake of the Liners LOP Line Dance for announcements, dance opportunities and links to dance step sheets.

If you have any questions or need more information, call or text Karen Mills at (916) 677-7393 or email [email protected].


July is hot and hoppin’ at the Hazel Park pickleball courts! Check out the site to reserve a court if you would like dedicated court time for your family/group. Reservation time options have been expanded for more availability.

Come find out why pickleball is America’s fastest-growing sport! With a 159% increase over the past three years in the US, the growth of the sport is incredible! In fact, the game is now the third most popular sport in the US with 36.5 million participants (14% of Americans have played at least once!) – behind only cycling at 51.4 M and running at 49 M. It’s ahead of basketball (27M) and golf (25.1M) according to a 2022 report from Sports and Fitness Industry Association.

We’ve had lots of pickleball socials and events – with more to come. The LOP Pickleball club had a terrific Memorial Day Social put on by Ginni Green and Jean Rauth with 75 members attending and GREAT raffle prizes! Chuck Allgood coordinated another fun Round Robin Poker Social that had us winning poker hands based on the outcome of our games, winning LOP Food & Beverage gift cards, and laughing all the way! Our Pickleball Pros, Kathy and Chris Mayberry, held great beginner and intermediate clinics as well as the first Junior Pickleball Camp in mid-June with the second camp planned for July 17-19. We have more social events and tournaments planned throughout the year including the annual Luau scheduled for September 16.

If you haven’t checked out pickleball and ALL the fun that comes with it, what are you waiting for? Come down to Hazel Park courts any day of the week during Drop-In Play from 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. and PLAY. You don’t have to join anything. We have balls and loaner paddles! You can just walk up to the paddle rack area between courts 2 and 3, ask players about trying it, and you can start playing even if you have never played! We can help you get started.

So, what IS it? Pickleball is a paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple, and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but it can develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players. Once you try it, you’re going to want to join the Lake of the Pines Pickleball club to get in on the action.

There is a women’s only group that plays on Monday and Thursday typically starting at 6:30 p.m. during the warm summer months. Join the club to get on the LOP Ladies email distribution list for updates on times.

There are drills, clinics, social events, and tournaments held throughout the year. Courts can be reserved outside of Drop-in play hours up to seven days ahead on Watch for upcoming clinics, socials, and programs in the weekly “This Week on the Lake” emails, club emails, or the LOP Pickleball Facebook page. If you’re interested in lessons or clinics, contact Chris Mayberry at (916) 995-6860 for beginner through advanced lessons – group or individual. You will get a discount on lessons if you join the LOP Pickleball Club – another reason to join!

Reminder, the pickleball courts are for pickleball! Please no skateboards, scooters, roller skates/blades, bicycles, glass containers, smoking, food, or pets on the courts. To see the full set of pickleball rules including approved paddles and attire, go to, Documents, Governing documents, Association rules, then Pickleball rules. Or check them out on our new display board down at Hazel Park!

Come down and give pickleball a try! Whether you have played forever or are just beginning, we have something for you. Dues are only $25 per year. Contact Nancy Lichtle, LOP Pickleball Club President, at (408) 410-7679 for more information.

Great food and smiles at Memorial Day Pickleball Social (Photo credit: Nancy Lichtle)
All smiles after another successful social at Hazel Park (Photo credit: Phil Green)

Pine Needlers

The Pine Needlers are an enthusiastic group of ladies with a love for our craft. Our members have varied talents that include appliqueing, cross-stitching, crocheting, embroidery, knitting, hand and machine sewing, quilting, and even wool felting.

The ladies who join our group have the unique opportunity to create kindred friendships through the love of their craft, which is priceless! If you are interested in joining or finding out more about our group, contact Gwen Tillisch at (530) 728-3048.

Pines Paper Scissors

By now you have purchased greeting cards for Mother’s Day, graduations, and maybe some weddings. Can you believe how expensive they are? Why not join a group of crafty neighbors and learn how to make your own? I cannot promise it will be less expensive, but I can promise it will be a lot more fun! The best part of card making as a craft is it only requires a little artistic talent. Give us a try, and you will discover a talent you didn’t know you possessed.

Join this fun and lively group every third Wednesday of the month from 6:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. You will learn many basics of card making and paper crafting and have at least one card to take home monthly. The host provides most tools, but there are a few basic supplies you will want to bring.

To learn more, email Jennifer at [email protected].


The Pinochle Club meets in The Clubhouse Multi-Purpose Room on Fridays at 5:30 p.m. If you are interested, please visit us, or call Jim or Dottie Slettedahl at (530) 268-7467.


Qigong – Meditation through Movement

Join us in one of our beautiful LOP parks for moving Meditation on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. We use gentle Qigong movements, breath work, and meditation to encourage relaxation, flow of energy, and connection of mind and body. The exercises are suitable for all ages.

Contact group leader for further details: Sylvia Waddell at (408) 341-5444 or by email at [email protected].

RV Ramblers

The Ramblers kicked off their summer camping season with a boat raft up on our very own lake. We would like to thank Ed Tozer, who stepped in as our Cruise Captain, and Jerry Schepens for being the Anchor Boat Captain. Much appreciation to all who made the cruise to hang out with us. We had about ten boats and it was great fun.

We spent about four hours on the lake enjoying each other’s company, sharing appetizers, sipping beverages, engaging in great conversation and even a little cool water swimming took place.

June takes us on the road to Clio’s River Edge and surrounding areas near the Graeagle Lakes Basin area.

Watch for more information about other upcoming trips.

Look for us on Facebook at LOP RV Ramblers.

See you on the road! Mark & Kimi Sechler

RV Ramblers kick off summer camp season 2023 (Photo credit: Roxane Schepens)

LOP Riders

Good day LOP Riders.

If you have any ideas on day rides, meet-ups, maybe a bike show, or even a charity that you would like to see benefit through a fundraiser with our group, feel free to send your ideas or questions to Raelynn Harrod at [email protected].

Let’s get this year STARTED! If anyone is interested in joining us, check out our Facebook page at LOP Riders.

Tai  Chi

We have begun our outdoor classes now that the weather has warmed. You might catch our class enjoying the beautiful surroundings at one of our parks. If you are interested in trying a different form of exercise, you will be welcomed by our congenial group. Just call Louise Chan at (530) 268-8606 to leave a message. She will notify you of the exact meeting place for the week ahead, as that may change due to varying conditions. We meet every Thursday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 am. There is no class fee but a small donation to LOP is accepted.

Tai chi, also called tai chi chu’an (“tai-ji-gon”) is related to Qiqong and patterned after martial art movements. It is routinely practiced in schools, at parks, and squares in China. It was introduced to this country over 50 years ago and has become a popular form of exercise. Performed in a slow, focused manner, accompanied by deep breathing, it is said to resemble “meditation in motion.” It increases energy and stamina, while working on flexibility, posture, and balance along with coordination and memorization. It is a low-impact activity suitable for all age groups with varying states of health, including those who have been sedentary or even avoiding exercise. The 24-movement sequence we teach is the most popular form practiced everywhere in this country and abroad.

Ukes of the Pines

The Ukulele group meets in the Yacht Lounge every Friday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. We invite anyone who wants to join us. We will be having a “Jamboree” once a month where the uke players may bring in other instruments like guitars, drums, harmonicas, etc. Our first one worked out great as we had a good time; made a lot of noise and had lots of laughs.

We have our music on Google Drive and also, we have a book of our music that can be copied off for your own binder.

If you have never played before, you can contact Pat Brothen at [email protected] or (530) 268-9113 to help you get started. Beginners are welcome as well as people who already play the ukulele. The club is easy going and we always have fun.

Water Ski Club

The Water Ski Club kicked off the summer with a fantastic Memorial Day weekend of skiing and celebrations. The weather and water conditions were great. 

We ended the holiday weekend with an amazing sunset, campfire S’mores, and fresh baked Mona’s Giroux chocolate chip cookies. Now that’s the way to start Summer!

For more information about the Water Ski Club, contact Steve Bock at (530) 320-1393.

Memorial Day on the Lake (Photo credit: Mark Randazzo)
Sunset on the Lake on Memorial Day (Photo credit: Shauri Tobias)
Water Ski Group Photo (Left to Right): Steve Duffy, Ruri Duffy, Barbara Sawyer, Dennis Sawyer, Lisa Bock, Nick Bull, Steve Bock, Judy Koenitzer, Lori Bull, Mona Giroux, Steve Rosenthal, Tim Giroux, Shauri Tobias, Bill Arnold, and upfront John McEvoy (Photo credit: John McEvoy)

Women In Networking (WIN)

Attention businesswomen! We have a group called Women in Networking (WIN). We meet each month on the second Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. to share ideas, network and support each other. For more information, contact Dr. Lynne Sullivan at (530) 718-4102 or [email protected].


Our goal is to involve every resident in LOP in one of our groups, to gather new residents together to make them feel welcome, promote member communication and involvement in the community.

Come join our group and be a part of the fun!

To join SAC’s  Facebook page click “Join” on the Facebook page or email Karen Mills at [email protected]  Please include your Lot# or LOP address.

Lake of the Pines History Book

To get your copy contact Ron Trimble at 268-1917 or [email protected].